A liberal & inclusive church, seeking God through beauty in our worship, honesty in our faith & doubt, & service in our community

The work of Christ Church only continues thanks to the generosity of our congregation and other friends, who give both their time and money. We give because we love God and we care about the work of Christ Church now and in the future.

If you would like to help Christ Church by giving your time, please get in touch.

If you would like to make a donation, please consider the information below. If you have any questions, please contact Zoe Bushell, our treasurer, by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Details of all donations are of course kept confidentially and known only to Zoe.


Gift Aid

If you’re a taxpayer, we can claim Gift Aid on your donation - the government pays us £2.50 for every £10 you donate. All you need to do is complete a simple Gift Aid form (available below) and return it to Zoe Bushell and then make your donation using either standing order, regular giving envelopes or Gift Aid envelopes (as described below). With Gift Aid, there is no long-term, commitment, so you can change how much you give at any time.


Ways to Donate

A standing order from your bank account is the best way to make a donation (whether you are a taxpayer or not), as it’s the simplest for us to administer. Your bank will pay the amount you tell them, either as a one-off or on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly or annually). To give this way, please complete a standing order form (available below) and return it to Zoe Bushell.

Alternatively, we also welcome regular giving envelopes - we provide you with an envelope for each Sunday, so you can make a weekly cash or cheque donation. The envelopes are numbered to ensure your gift remains confidential, whilst still enabling us to claim Gift Aid on your donation (if applicable).
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., if you would like to give this way.

You can also use a Gift Aid envelope, which are available at the back of church. Place your gift in the envelope and fill in your name and address on the front, which once again enables us to claim Gift Aid on your donation (if applicable).

Of course, we also welcome simple cash or cheque donations, but ask all tax payers to use one of the above methods, so we can make the best use of your gift.



Gift Aid Form

Standing Order Form

Upcoming Services

Eucharist (in church & online)
Sun 30 Jun at 10:00am
Eucharist (in church)
Thu 4 Jul at 11:00am
Eucharist (in church & online)
Sun 7 Jul at 10:00am
Eucharist (in church)
Thu 11 Jul at 11:00am
Eucharist (in church & online)
Sun 14 Jul at 10:00am
Eucharist (in church)
Thu 18 Jul at 11:00am
Eucharist (in church & online)
Sun 21 Jul at 10:00am
Choral Evensong
Sun 21 Jul at 4:30pm
Eucharist (in church)
Thu 25 Jul at 11:00am
Eucharist (in church & online)
Sun 28 Jul at 10:00am
Contemplative Iona Service
Sun 28 Jul at 5:00pm
Eucharist (in church)
Thu 1 Aug at 11:00am
Eucharist (in church & online)
Sun 4 Aug at 10:00am

Latest Events

BBC1 presenter Pam Rhodes introduces "Stories behind our favourite hymns"
Tue 2 Jul 6:00pm-8:30pm
Electoral Polling Station
Thu 4 Jul 6:00am-10:30pm
The Cedar Tree Community Cafe
Fri 5 Jul 11:00am-1:30pm
The Cedar Tree Community Cafe
Fri 12 Jul 11:00am-1:30pm
The Cedar Tree Community Cafe
Fri 19 Jul 11:00am-1:30pm